Knowledgebase Inventory and records How to Add Purchases

How to Add Purchases

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How to Add Purchases

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Uploaded on 2024-08-09 10:31:26

This helps you keep record of the purchases made by your store

Step 1: Go to "Purchases" on the menu on the left hand side of your dashboard

Step 2: Click on "Add"

Step 3: Click on "change" button that has the pen icon on the top right hand side of the page.

Step 4: You can add a new company by click on the "Add New" button or select from an already existing company or supplier

Step 5: Input all of the information, invoice number, amount, date of purchase, product purchased, quantity, amount etc You can also add the product quantity to your stocks by ticking the box. Additionally, you can upload receipt of product purchased

Step 6: Click on "Create" and the purchase will be added.

The purchase information can always be updated.